Brothers and Sisters Recap – Walker Down the Aisle

Nora Walker started the episode on her radio show quoting Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This was not just in reference to her own bad hairdo, but her daughter Sarah’s highly anticipated wedding to Luc. In true Brothers & Sisters fashion, “Walker Down the Aisle” had the funny and the pain, the sweet and the sorrow. But mostly, it reaffirmed why this wacky extended family works best when everyone is all together, supporting one another.

We still don’t know if Brothers & Sisters will get renewed for another season. It was considered a “bubble” show last year and got renewed with a shorter order of episodes this season. Therefore, the writers seemed to go to great lengths to make tonight’s season finale capable of serving as the series finale if what we just witnessed was ultimately the end of the line for our beloved Pasadena clan.

If this was, in fact, the final episode ever, we at least got one last triumphant Walker phone tree. The entire family was up early on the day of wedding, calling everyone about every worry and problem and complaint. The tradition will continue on, as even the younger and newer members of the family—Paige and Olivia—got involved in the hilarious banter. From sisters Sarah and Kitty in bed together to Kevin on his Bluetooth ready for coordinator action, it is these down-to-earth moments (and all the Walker wine dinner parties) that the show will be remembered for.

It was nice to see that the whole gang showed up for Sarah’s wedding! Tommy arrived (minus fiancé Rose); Kitty and Evan are back in town with boyfriend Seth majorly in the picture; Saul and Jonathan returned from Palm Springs to bake a cupcake wedding tree extraordinaire; and as is usual lately, Brody still has his bus and seems to be anywhere and everywhere. Of course, Brody’s presence is not exactly comforting to Sarah given the major development that he is her biological father. In fact, she is still not even talking to Nora at the beginning of the episode. But that changes quickly—and somewhat reluctantly—when Sarah wants her “something old” from mother Nora. Unknowingly, Sarah selected the necklace that Brody had given her mother all those years ago.

As all the Walkers begin to prepare for the wedding, the other major news to spread around the family is that Kitty is pregnant! This comes as a shock to all—especially Kitty—who thought she couldn’t get pregnant. This being Brothers & Sisters, there was some fun to be had in people not knowing and Sarah freaking out that her daughter with the tissue-stuffed bra was pregnant. By the end, though, Kitty tells her mom that she is very happy to be having this baby, even though it comes with health risks if her cancer were to return. The bigger question is whether younger boyfriend Seth is up to task—something that we might never know if this show does not return—but things are looking up at the end.

Sarah has a mild meltdown just before walking down the aisle, so in her last moments as a Walker she heads outside to take a little walk. She immediately spots Brody’s bus parked outside and him ready with a beer for her (since when did she become a beer girl? The Walker women love their wine!). Brody calms her and not only explains that the necklace she is wearing is the one he gave her mother, but that he has actually been there to watch from afar many of her milestones—like her graduation. Now, I get that this is supposed to be sweet—and it is to a certain extent—but I also found this a tad on the creepy stalker side. Anyways, it is enough for Sarah to do a complete 180 degrees on her feelings toward him and their odd situation, enough so to want him to walk her down the aisle. I personally think this change of heart happened to quickly—I would have preferred her inviting him into the wedding and sticking with her original brotherly escort. Basically, I just don’t think this reconciliation was earned in that one short scene.

The reception of the wedding tried to pull together some big romantic threads in a very short amount of time (again, the writers considering that this could be it). So, Saul and Jonathan decide that they are ready to marry (hoorah for Saul!); Justin and Tyler seem on the road to a solid relationship (eventually, once her divorce finalizes); Kitty is happy about her baby and Seth seems like he may be along for the ride; Kevin and Scotty are awesome as usual and enjoying their two kids; and of course Sarah and Luc have their happy ending. Everyone dances, everyone laughs…and everyone enjoys Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.”

Some particularly amusing moments from tonight’s wedding spectacular:

  • “Maybe I can be my own something old” (Sarah); “How about a purse, want a purse??” (Nora); “Why do you sound like an auctioneer?” (Kevin)
  • “When Dave’s lips touched mine…I felt so fine” (Kitty and Kevin were hilarious making fun of a song Sarah made up when she was a young teen and in love)…but the humiliation worked because Sarah let Paige bring her boyfriend to the reception.
  • Any scene involving the Walker men trying to dance to Luc’s musical tribute set to “Baby I Need Your Love.” Justin, especially, really went to town.
  • “None of us look good…it’s a wedding…it’s our nerves….except you sweetie, you look wonderful” (Nora to bride Sarah after Kitty has a bout of morning sickness).
  • The slutty girl, Lori Lynn, who flirted with Justin and then obnoxiously talked to Kitty and Paige in the bathroom, naturally would belong to Brody (and I can’t stand either one). I suppose they decided to introduce one of Brody’s other children in this episode just in case we need some good conflict for next season—IF there is a next season.

So, it all came down to Nora reflecting on this crazy brood that is her family—the brothers and sisters that are her whole world, and the new members of their extended family who complete them. She ended the night with another quote: “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” How appropriate that tonight’s season (series?) finale was on Mother’s Day, because Nora Walker has always been the heart and soul of this show. If this was it, are you happy with where our Walkers are headed in their lives?

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4 Responses to Brothers and Sisters Recap – Walker Down the Aisle

  1. This was a dirty trick…..I had no idea that you would cancel this show…..just when it starts to get interesting you take it off the air…..Too bad for ABC….I may have to watch other channels from now on!!

    • Jeni says:

      I am bummed it was cancelled too–I will miss Sunday evenings with the Walkers! Just to clarify: I am in no way affiliated with ABC.

  2. Katie says:

    Aww no! Renew it renew it!
    I want to know what happens with Kitty & Seth , Nora & Brody…….Why did they have to do this to me!

  3. Maxwell says:

    I’ll miss that show, I love the cast! Cooper had to be me my favourite!

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