How I Met Your Mother Recap – Bedtime Stories

Season 9, Episode 11
Bedtime Stories

Was tonight’s new HIMYM, “Bedtime Stories,” a 100% filler episode with zero plot or character development? Absolutely. But could you call the episode lazy? No way. You see, this was the highly publicized “episode that rhymes” and I have to say—if you are going to give us an episode that doesn’t really accomplish anything, well then going all-out with crazy rhyme is certainly one way to spice things up.

Rather than a regular recap, I will take a page from HIMYM and summarize tonight’s tales with a little rhyme of my own:

On the final bus ride to Long Island, young Marvin cannot rest,
So papa Marshall must tell some rhyming stories and try his very best.

With help from some fellow passenger skeptics, Marshall beings with tale #1,
About Ted Mosby up at bat, with a hot professor looking for fun.

Ted can’t be sure if she wants a date, or just a little work related chat,
But he learns that Barney had nailed her, and Ted doesn’t want seconds from that.

The next story tells of a time in a bakery when Robin takes the cake,
She ran into her now engaged Canadian ex, Simon, and happiness she could not fake.

She stole the cake and ran, feeling so blue she started eating it with her hand,
Her friends gathered to watch her finish and Robin celebrated with a keg stand.

The final tale featured Barney, struggling to conquer yet another lady,
When he messes with other alter-ego players and his antics get shady.

Barney will do anything to be deemed the absolute best player in this little diddy,
So he poisons the High Council of Players to be named The Player of New York City.

Marshall wraps up his stories when he thinks Marvin is finally asleep,
But a flat tire for the bus ruins all and he is practically ready to weep.

An impromptu fireworks show for the stranded travelers will eventually be Marvin’s first memory,
And Marshall decides that he and Marvin should just walk the final five miles, how far could it be?

And there you have it…a rhyming recap for a very experimental episode. Ultimately this entire season is a giant experiment in that it takes place during one wedding weekend. While the debate is still ongoing as to whether or not the gamble of this season will pay off, I still say I am along for the ride and willing to walk to the finish line if need be, all to see what I can only imagine will be an epic conclusion to the story that is How I Met Your Mother. I am pretty sure that in the grand scheme of things this show will not soon be topped by another.

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2 Responses to How I Met Your Mother Recap – Bedtime Stories

  1. Alla says:

    bravo on the rhyming re-cap!

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